Tuesday, January 15, 2008


What is it about Wal-Mart that both upsets and attracts people so? In my city of Burlington Ontario, Wal-Mart spent ten years fighting a battle through various levels of government to be allowed to open a store on the fringes of town. People angrily protested, saying it would destroy local business, ruin the view, and cause wild dogs to roam the streets. :P Yet as soon as Wal-Mart opened, it prospered, and continues to prosper to such an extent that now they are gearing up for a battle to open another store, this one close to our downtown core. Dreadful heavens! The end of the world as we know it is near, to hear the protesters talk. We all know, however, that as soon as this store opens, it too will be filled with shoppers, and will rake in obscene profits. Surely not all those shoppers were never involved in the protests.
So my question for these protesters is: if you hate Wal-Mart so much, why do you shop there? If you really want to keep Wal-Mart from doing business in your town, put your money where your mouth is, as the saying goes, and stay away. It’s that simple.

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