Tuesday, January 8, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s, and time for resolutions. The number one resolution made each year, or so I'm told, is to lose weight. No surprise there. I've never been one for resolutions¾I know how hard they are to keep. I can manage to give something up for lent, but that’s as long as I go. You’d think a broken bad habit would stay broken, but bad habits creep into your life with as much ease as ants into your house.
Instead I decided to make realistic resolutions. Like going skinny-dipping, or taking my picture in a photo booth in the mall. These were things I never did as a youth, and resolved to do the past two years. They were fun and easy and I enjoyed them.
This year I'm aiming a little higher. I'm to going to try to quit doing things solely to gain other people’s approval. I think I spend too much time working to please others, which a is a loser’s game for sure. Even more of a waste of time than trying to lose weight, and even less satisfactory. It’s going to be hard work, since there are no clear road maps, but I will definitely benefit.
I’ll let you know how it goes.

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