Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pit Bull Ban

Pit bulls are bred to be fierce fighters. They are designed t face off to bears, and win. They have broad, powerful chests, short hair, tiny ears, and narrow eyes, so that it is difficult to find a handhold to restrain them. Their necks are their strong point, since strangling them is out of the question. Fierce jaws that can bite down with the strength of a crocodile are another of their fearsome features. Standard police-issue 38 caliber guns cannot kill them with a single shot, or often even with an emptied gun. Like a bear, it takes a 45 to kill a pit bull. To my mind, this makes a pit bull more like a bear as a pet than a dog, and pet bears are not legal in most neighbourhoods.
Yes, it’s the owner not the dog, but what kind of owner chooses a pit bull? In my experience, the owner is scarier than the dog. My neighbour, whose dogs attacked an elderly woman last year, causing her to lose half her face, is one scary man. I’m sure he trained that dog to be vicious. That’s my point. Any dog can be vicious. But the kind of person who trains a dog to be vicious, chooses a pit bull for a pet, because a vicious Yorkie isn’t deadly. Which is why this deadly animal should be banned as a household pet. Pit bulls belong in a zoo with the bears.

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