Friday, November 16, 2007

Why does Beowulf upset me?

For some reason the new movie release of Beowulf upsets me. I guess it's because I’m tired of seeing Hollywood remake European films. The Beowulf that came out a couple of years ago was made by people whose ancestry is from the part of the world where the story is told, and for whom the story therefore has some tribal or cultural meaning. That meaning became imbedded in the film and made it interesting even to those of us who do not share that background. I think we all enjoy hearing each others ancient stories--there’s a resonance to them that we can all relate to.
But when a major studio gets hold of one of these gems, they digitize it and sex it up and put in all those great two-bit quote lines, thus distorting the origins of the story and ruining the resonance.
This doesn't happen when Hollywood sticks to what it knows best and tells an American folk tale, such as The Patriot or Alamo. In these films the tone and style ring true, the substance reflects the story, and we get caught up in that American patriotism that can be so stirring even to non-Americans.Why not find a Native American story to tell instead of rehashing a distant myth? After the acclaimed reception of Canada’s Attanarjuat a few years ago, I’d like to see more North American tribal tales retold on screen. I bet I’m not alone.

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