Tuesday, April 8, 2008


For regular readers of my blog, if there are any, you will have noticed I have been silent for over a month now. That is because I have been having a crisis of spirit. I have received so many rejection letters for my writing, my prime passion in life, that I have considered giving up. I know one needs a thick skin in this business, but mine has been scraped away. Rejection has taken all the joy out of my writing, bleached it dull. Perhaps, after nearly eight years of effort, it is time to call it quits, say the dream was good, I gave it a good try, but clearly it was not meant to be, and move on.
So I took a sabbatical. Stopped writing, said so there, you win, to all those stupid publishers with their little encouraging hand-written notes, telling me I have a strong voice and they loved my story, but they just can’t print it. Bleah on you.
I found there is nothing else I want to do. I like to write. But if nobody but me reads it, why bother? Does writing then become a silly hobby?
My sabbatical continued.
Now I’m back, but on my own terms. I’m going to write for the sheer pleasure of writing, and not worry about commercial potential. I may or may not send my work to market, but that will not be the point. I may never be famous, but ditto. I am still writing. Bleah.

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